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    How to Get Your Swing in Sync: No More Unfolded Lawn Chairs

    Hey Ranchers! Ever heard the phrase “My swing looks like an unfolded lawn chair”? If you have, you’re in good company. Even in the movie Tin Cup, the struggle to find a smooth, synced-up swing is real. But don’t worry, our very own Spencer is here to help you transform that awkward swing into something smooth and efficient. Here’s the scoop:

    Key Tips to Sync Your Swing

    • Get a Wedge: Start with a club that has some loft, like a wedge or a nine iron. These clubs are perfect for the drill we’re about to show you.

    • Close Your Feet Together: Stand with your feet almost touching. This narrow stance helps improve your balance and forces your body to rotate correctly.

    • Take Three-Quarter Swings: You’re not going for distance here. Think of it as a little 20-yard shot. The goal is to feel the rotation and maintain your balance throughout the swing.

    Why This Drill Works

    When you first step onto the range, it’s tempting to grab your driver and start smashing balls. But hold on! By starting with this simple drill, you’re training your body to stay in sync. Here’s what happens when you put your feet together and take those short swings:

    • Balance and Rotation: With your feet close together, your body has to work harder to stay balanced. This encourages proper rotation, which is crucial for a good swing.

    • Avoiding Sway: One common mistake in full swings is swaying instead of rotating. This drill helps eliminate that by forcing you to focus on rotation, not lateral movement.

    • Controlled Tempo: Many golfers swing too hard and lose control. By practicing these short, controlled swings, you’ll develop a smoother, more consistent tempo.

    Steps to Follow at the Range

    1. Grab a Lofted Club: Use a wedge or a nine iron. Spencer prefers a 54-degree wedge.
    2. Narrow Your Stance: Stand with your feet as close together as possible.
    3. Three-Quarter Swings: Make small, controlled swings as if you’re hitting a 20-yard shot.
    4. Focus on Rotation and Balance: Keep your balance and feel the rotation of your body.

    By starting your practice sessions with this drill, you’ll set the foundation for better full swings. Remember, it’s all about syncing up your body movements to create a fluid, powerful swing. So next time you’re at the range, forget about the unfolded lawn chair and think rotation, balance, and smooth tempo. Happy swinging, Ranchers!

    Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these tips will help you get the most out of your practice sessions. At Golf Ranch, we’re all about helping you find your best swing—no lawn chairs allowed!